• 85 East Newton St, Rm 912, Boston, MA 02118
  • +1 617.414.4646
  • cmtp@bmc.org

FSC Training

Psychological First Aid Training (PFA)

Course Description & Goal:
The Psychological First Aid training will provide practical information to attendees to help meet the immediate needs of individuals impacted by a traumatic event. Attendees will gain practical information, knowledge and skills towards provision of Psychological First Aid, in the immediate aftermath of disasters. They will receive an overview of the impact traumatic events have on an individual and specific techniques on how to work with individuals impacted by an event. The training will have a mix of classroom instruction and role plays. Particular emphasis will be placed on the 8 core components of Psychological First Aid. Upon completing this training individuals will be able to provide psychological first aid to individuals impacted by an event.

Learning Objectives:
By the conclusion of the training:

- Participants will be able to identify the eight core elements of Psychological First Aid.
- Participants will be able to identify two skills toward the provision of culturally and linguistically competent care in disaster situations.
- Participants will be able to report competence in applying Psychological First Aid by describing two skills practiced in the training.

Suggested Prerequisite for Psychological First Aid Training
Participants are encouraged to complete the online Psychological First Aid training available through the Local Public Health Institute of Massachusetts’ website: http://www.masslocalinstitute.org

To Request Training
Please fill out the form below